Monday, March 12, 2007

New Look

You may notice the fancy banner at the top of the page.
To answer your question: no, that's not my handiwork.
The credit must go to George from Toronto - a good friend and great with the ole photoshop. I promised to plug George, but I do so gladly because the end product is grrreat. If you wish to put George to work for you, email
Just don't mention 'No doubt' and or anything Gwen Stefani related or else you'll never hear the end of it.

Otherwise - does anyone know how to get rid of the actual header? It took me too long just to get the dang picture up.


Dare said...
is where I got the delicious lip skin...check it out and see what you like.

Feel free to steal anything else you like....except my soul...kinda attached to that.

Anonymous said...

Looks good Georgie...and as a result, Matt.